2018/09/19 晴
我参加了百度秋招面试, 期望方向是 PHP 研发
面试地点在广东省深圳市百度国际大厦, 粗略估计了一下我那一场的面试大概有 15~20 来人参加

到场直接被安排在旁边坐下等候通知, 过了一会就有工作人员带路去面试场地
由于深圳百度是新建的大楼, 可能没有完全启用, 本次面试被安排在 14 楼食堂层
所有人都在一个大场地里, 就像高考一样分开做好面试, 挺刺激的 xD
面试了两轮, 面完二面后被告知先去等候区等候, 一会工作人员过来通知可以离场了
一面 (~ 45 min)
- cookie 和 session 的异同
简单题, 一顿口水喷之 - MyISAM 和 InnoDB 的区别
又一道简单题, 答了事务和聚簇/非聚簇索引 - largest-number
没答上, 基本操作 - 计算 NGINX 的 access.log 给定 ip 的访问量
cat access.log | grep xx.xx.xx.xx | wc -l
其实我不会, 随便答的 - ls 近一周的文件
没答上, 我当时在想 ls | grep | 什么鬼的, 后来面试官提示说 ls 有现成的参数符合需求
其实还是要用 tail 的嘛~
二面 (~ 35 min)
- HTTP Code 200 302 304 403 的含义
很新颖的题, 我喜欢, 一开始差点没想起来 304, 秀逗了 - php 有哪些魔术方法
构造/析构, __get/__set 当时只答对了这些
http://php.net/manual/zh/language.oop5.magic.php - HTTP POST 和 GET 的区别
口水题, 只答了长度限制和跨域
GET | POST | |
BACK button/Reload | Harmless | Data will be re-submitted (the browser should alert the user that the data are about to be re-submitted) |
Bookmarked | Can be bookmarked | Cannot be bookmarked |
Cached | Can be cached | Not cached |
Encoding type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. Use multipart encoding for binary data |
History | Parameters remain in browser history | Parameters are not saved in browser history |
Restrictions on data length | Yes, when sending data, the GET method adds the data to the URL; and the length of a URL is limited (maximum URL length is 2048 characters) | No restrictions |
Restrictions on data type | Only ASCII characters allowed | No restrictions. Binary data is also allowed |
Security | GET is less secure compared to POST because data sent is part of the URL Never use GET when sending passwords or other sensitive information! | POST is a little safer than GET because the parameters are not stored in browser history or in web server logs |
Visibility | Data is visible to everyone in the URL | Data is not displayed in the URL |
- 怎么遍历树
动真格了, 凉凉, 没答上 - 怎么抓包 (fiddler) HTTPS 怎么办
终于问到老本行了, 抓 HTTPS 给客户端装自签名证书, 顺便提了下代理抓包(Android) - 怎么优化 SQL (explain) MySQL 优化有哪些手段
稍微有点含金量的口水题, 我答了合理索引, 冗余字段, 缓存
面试官听完接着问还有吗, 当然有啊 - 一个网页 从输入网址到页面打开 发生了什么
没意思, 只答上了一些应用层的知识, 费力不讨好 - Consistent Hashing
没答上, 尴尬 - n 个数找出现次数大于 n/2 次的
没答上, 尴尬++
1 | from collections import Counter |
- 1000亿个数找出最大的 100 个数
没答上, 说了下思路也不知道面试官怎么想
https://code.i-harness.com/en/q/1256432If this is asked in an interview, I think the interviewer probably
wants to see your problem solving process, not just your knowledge of
algorithms.The description is quite general so maybe you can ask him the range or
meaning of these numbers to make the problem clear. Doing this may
impress an interviewer. If, for example, these numbers stands for
people’s age of within a country (e.g. China),then it’s a much easier
problem. With a reasonable assumption that nobody alive is older than
200, you can use an int array of size 200(maybe 201) to count the
number of people with the same age in just one iteration. Here the
index means the age. After this it’s a piece of cake to find 100
largest number. By the way this algo is called counting sort.Anyway, making the question more specific and clearer is good for you
in an interview. - 13 balls puzzle
没答上, 面试官当面给了提示也没答上, 后来查了正确答案也不知道当时的提示是什么意思
当时面试官提示可以 4 4 4 4 1 分组进行比较, 总而言之, 尴尬
说实话笔试做的挺烂的, 因为不允许跳出网页用本地 IDE
又只能用 php 导致我很多函数不记得, 书到用时方恨少了
还是被传唤去面试, 没想到一面就是一下午, 当时还担心简历带的不够
后来面完二面我简历刚好用完的时候把我赶走了, 也算是不幸中的万幸??????
问了下二面面试官目前 php 在百度的发展, 答曰需求不大, 多为老项目维护
也难怪岗位名称大家都喊斜杠前面的而忽略掉斜杠后面的 :P